Translation and the team

The Slovenian translation of The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola is a work of the greatest national importance and an invaluable part of national cultural heritage.

This work is not only one of the many books, but is one of the few examples of a perfect combination of an exceptional author, an extraordinary book and an excellent translation, great enthusiasm, goodwill and bibliophilic efforts. The Slovenian edition of The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola is founded upon four pillars, namely: the original, translators, designers, and the printing house. When we add to these four pillars the best-quality materials and carefully chosen typeface, we can guarantee that the book is very valuable, and that this value will remain. We hope that, when published, the book would become a monument to Slovenian culture at the beginning of the new millennium.

The team that works on this extremely demanding project consists of the best experts of their fields, the names that vouch for a exceptional product in every aspect, for the biggest publishing event and for the very important national project of the 21 st century.

  • Prof. Doris Debenjak, translator from German
  • Prof. Dr. Božidar Debenjak, translator from German
  • Primož Debenjak, University degree engineer, translator from German
  • Prof. Dr. Aleš Maver, translator from Latin
  • Branko Madžarevič, translator from French
  • Prof. Dr. Andreja N. Inkret, translator from Ancient Greek
  • Dr. Klemen Jelinčič Boeta, translator from Hebrew
  • Tina Perić, translator from Croatian
  • Poets were translated by: Ervin Fritz, Lidija Brezavšček, Prof. Dr. Božidar Debenjak, Andrej Perhaj, Mojca Savski, Tomaž Čeč
  • Mojca Savski, proof-reader
  • Stanka Golob, expert for antiquarian materials
  • Špela Andolšek and Igor Žgajnar, Studio Ma3ca, graphic design, typesetting
  • Anamarija Babič, Nuša Dedo - Lale, Jolanda Jereb, caligraphy
  • Print: Gorenjski tisk storitve d.o.o., hand binding: master Milan Mrzel
  • Tomaž Čeč, editor
  • Janez Weiss, editor of Studia Valvasorina and author of studies
  • Zvonka Truden, Pika Josipina Trpin, Robert Hren, Matjaž Gruden, organizers, assistants and supporters of the project

As an addition to the complete translation of The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola, in 2015 a Studia Valvasoriana was published. This book includes many companion studies, serving as an explanation of many topics. Studia Valvasoriana brings different theme chapters: companion studies, epigraphica-diplomatica- bibliographia.

  • Dr. Marija Bidovec Sinkovič
  • Dr. Gašper Cerkovnik
  • Dr, Martin Germ
  • Dr. Boris Golec
  • Dr. Andrej Nared
  • Dr. Miha Preinfalk
  • Dr.Boris Rifl
  • Dr. Igor Sapač
  • Dr. Vasko Simoniti
  • Dr. Peter Štih
  • Dr. Marko Štuhec
  • Dr. Luka Vidmar
  • Dr. Jedrt Vodopivec Tomažič
  • Janez Weiss, dipl. historian, editor of companion studies
  • Dr.Žiga Zitter
  • Dr. Liljana Žnidaršič Golec
  • Dr. Maja Žvanut
  • Dr. Božidar Debenjak
  • Ing. Promož Debenjak
  • Dr. Matjaž Kmecl

For the expert assistance with the translation, we would like to thank:

Fundacija Janeza Vajkarda Valvasorja, Javni zavod Trubarjevi kraji (ga. Barbara Pečnik), Občina Moravče (g. Milan Kokalj), Županova jama (g. Viršek Damjan), Prelat Rafko Lešnik, Župnija Loška dolina (g. Janez Kebe), Belokrajnski muzej Metlika (g. Leon Gregorčič), Turistično društvo Iška vas (g. Milan Cimperman), Zavod RS za varstvo narave OE Novo mesto (g. Andrej Hudoklin), g. Boris Zakrajšek, Pokrajinski muzej Kočevje (g. Ivan Kordiš, prof. zgod. in nem.), Dolenjski muzej (ga. Marjeta Bregar), Loški muzej Škofja Loka (g. Franc Podnar), Muzej Mengeš (g. Janez Škrlep), Občina Cerklje na Gorenjskem (ga. Tanja Malovrh), Medobčinski muzej Kamnik (mag. Zora Torkar), Občina Dobrova - Polhov Gradec (ga. Helena Budim Čuk), ga. Jožica Kavčič, Škofija Koper, Šofijski arhiv (p. Marjan Vogrin), Gorenjski muzej (ga. Beba Jenčič), Muzej Miklova hiša Ribnica (ga. Marina Gradišnik), Janez Gruden st., Občina Loškka Dolina (ga.Danica Zrim), Osnovna šola Litija, Podružična šola Polšnik (prof. Ida Dolar), Krajevna skupnost Izlake (ga. Tanja Bebar), Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, OE Novo Mesto (dr. Uroš Bavec), Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice (mag. Marko Mugerli), Društvo vinogradnikov Trška gora Novo mesto (g. Jože Žura), Mestni muzej Idrija (g. Anton Zelenc), g. Jakob Mueller, Muzej krščanstva Stična (g.Tadej Trnovšek), prof. dr. Jože Ožura, Muzej Litija (ga. Helena Hauptman), Posavski muzej Brežice (dr. Ivanka Počkar), Lovska družina Turjak, ga. Boga Lah, ga. Loti Zupančič, prof. dr. Branko Reisp, NUK (g. Milan Štupar, g. Janko Klasinc, dr. Sonja Svoljšak), g. Božidar Premrl, dr. Đurđa Strsoglavec, g. Johann Portsch, Bergbaumuseum Klagenfurt (g. Gerhard Finding), Nadškofijski arhiv v Ljubljani, Župnija Podgraje (g. Peter Pipan), g. Franc Poklar, Župnija Leskovec (g. Ludvik Žagar), Župnija Jelšane (g. Franc Raspor), Župnija Šmartno v Tuhinjski dolini (g. Simon Lorbek), Župnija Vinica (g. Jože Rački), g. Franc Petrič (Družina d.o.o.), g. Budimir (Srbska pravoslavna občina Kranj), Janez Weiss, univ. dipl. zgod., Gradski muzej Senj (ga. Blaženka Ljubović), Bečir Kečanović, mag. Franc Kuzmič (Pokrainski muzej Murska Sobota), ... and many others.

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